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 Design Contest Results

Alot of the submissions were very good and it was hard to decide but I tried to award those who put the most effort and had the most original and pleasing design.

Here are the results!

 Conan - 12 months prize

The color scheme here is very nice and I like the image he used a gimp script-fu to generate the logo. I use gimp, with the same script-fu and independently generated our logo and later realized it was very similar to the one here. It's a nice effect and I feel it's fair to award this design with the full 12 months.

 aeki - 6 months prize

This is a darker color scheme but very cool. JavaScript takes alot of time (you can spend a whole day just getting layers to work right with Netscape IE and Opera not to mention the different versions of each. The MouseOver and scrolling window adds a very nice touch to this design! This design is just as good as the first one but due to the similarity to my final design I awarded first to Conan's design.

 Jane - 3 months prize

This is a bright and cheerful design. I really liked that fact that Jane didn't copy my layout but came up with her own original one! Good Job!


This was done by our designers at the IT Works Interactive office. The color scheme and layout is very original and this is one of the best designs. Our designer had an even nicer reddish, pinkish, rusty colored design but somehow pink just didn't seem right for Alamak though great for a wedding services or cosmetics company. Unfortunately this design won't work with my dynamically programmed menus. I change the Alamak site freqently so I need to be able to update links etc easily without remaking alot of image buttons and image maps!

If you are curious how I make the menu tabs any color it's done with a gd-lib php script. tab.php script. It uses a base image, fills the color and generates a cached gif image (req netpbm). Once the gif is generated it is used instead of png because transparent png's aren't supported wtih Netscape 4.x. This program allows me to change my color variables in my global php script and all the tab images are auto-magically regenerated with the new colors!

 Other Designs

Here are some other good designs and even a new chat concept. We really appreciate your effort and thanks for your participation!
  1. aeki/index2.html
  2. ezkort/alamak.html
  3. brat/ALAMAKS.htm
  4. DrpRobLem/Alamak_design_1.jpg
  5. DrpRobLem/Alamak_design_2.jpg
  6. DrpRobLem/Alamak_design_3.jpg
  7. ezkort/alamak2.html
  8. ezkort/alamak_contest.htm
  9. burglar/alamakpage.htm
  10. Princess_Leia/Alamak_Design4.gif
  11. pussycat/index.htm
  12. Hyper_Boy/internation_chat.html
  13. pussycat/alamak.jpeg
