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Alamak! SNES Emulation! Generation EX

I won't ask you to click on XXX sponsors or force you to do so. I just need you to vote for me once every 2 or 3 days on the 2 places above.

Welcome to the new Alamak! SNES Emulation! Generation EX! A complete new look for a complete new year! ASE is now back to it's no-frame design, and ASE no longer carry ROMs anymore. Why? Because I don't feel like being a ROM linker anymore. Hope all you webmasters out there don't do that anymore too. ASE now brings you more stuffs than ever. More EMULATORS, more UTILITIES, and more LINKS! Enjoy!

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News EX

15th of April 1998
Dear visitors,
I never knew so many people are still supporting me. After more than 2 months, I finally checked back. And to my surprise, I got so much hitz! The highest daily hitz went up to around 700+. I was so happy. I felt I must do something to repay you all. I'm considering to once again update this site. But even if I don't, prepare to meet a new site of mine, coming very soon...
Yours truly,
Yaozhong, webmaster of ASE

3rd of February 1998
X Front v1.7 released! Get it at the "Utilities" section!

2nd of February 1998
RPGe is back online! Check out it's new design and new translation patches!

Removed the Java applet for the time being as it's starting to irritate me.

Quite a lot of people had sent me requests on adding links to their site. I'll do so in a few day's time. Be patient.

1st of February 1998
First, let me apologize for the lack of updates these few days. I have 2 news here, one BAD news and one GOOD news. The bad news is, I got fever the last few days! :( That's why I couldn't update my page. The good news is, I finally got this great girl to be my girlfriend! Well, no more updates today as I'll be chatting with her on the phone. See ya!

29th of January 1998
New version of SNESSOR released! Current version is v2.0! Lots of new features. Go to it's official homepage for more details. And also grab your copy of SNESSOR v2.0 at the "Utilities" section!

28th of January 1998
New emulator called AmiSNESE! Available at the "Emulators" section now!

New utility added to the "Utilities" section called SearchR2 v2.10! Grab a copy now!

27th of January 1998
Added a Java banner. Like it 'cause the animation's so cool? Or hate it as it slows down your download time? Send me either an encouragement or a hate mail!

25th of January 1998
If you have been visiting Emulation Happenings or Emulation Camp, you should have noticed the two webmaster are somehow having a quarrel now. Zoop from Emulation Camp is not very happy with Wild from Emulation Happenings for "stealing" his news. In my opinion, getting news from other sites and placing it on yours is not really a great offense. News are to spread, no one can stop someone from spreading a news around. But Zoop do have the right to have Wild stop his cutting and pasting. Wild should try to rephrase his words. If he does that, I don't think Zoop have the right to accuse him of news-ripping anymore. Just like ASE, I just surf around updating myself with news related to SNES. When I come across something interesting, I'll add it to my "News" section. I rephrases the words, so I'm not directly copying someone else's work. The news is like a program, and you got the latest version. Does it stop people from downloading the program and upload it to their page? Some might even link to them! Just like the ROM-linkers nowadays. So this is just my small little opinion, hope Wild could rephrase his words, and Zoop will stop fighting over this matter.
Written by Yaozhong, webmaster of ASE

23th of January 1998
New version of UZI released! Visit it's official homepage for more info and downloads

22th of January 1998
Zophar's Domain revamped!

Do send me any news related to SNES emulation

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All graphics are done by Yaozhong. No one is allowed to duplicate them without his permission. Copyright c 1998 ASE. All rights reserved.