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Direct Referral Marketing
Anti-Pyramid Rules

The system I am referring to is not a pyramid scheme since it does not fit the necessary requirements by law to be defined as a pyramid scheme.

This marketing plan is similar to commission sales that requires an investment. This initial investment is similar to a franchise license fee. In a franchise the parent company requires the franchisee to pay a franchise license fee to do business using the parent companies name, products, and methods.

Pyramid schemes are illegal because of they by nature will eventually collapse hurting the participants who are at or near the bottom at the time of collapse.

GoldQuest employs alot of anti-pyramiding techniques by their choice of products, a $2400 max payout per cycle, a 30 + 30 flushing rule, etc.

In the math section I will show that this marketing plan in stable and will not collapse, in fact it can grow indefinitely and everyone will still get paid and the parent company will still make at least a 27% profit. This is due to the $2400 max payout per cycle and 30 + 30 flushing rule.

GoldQuest sells limited edition gold coins and jewlery which will go up in value. For example, if you bought the Olympic Set 18 months ago and you never got any referrals you would have then paid full price of $700. This set is now worth $1500 and in 5 years it is estimated it will be worth $12,000. This is what makes the GoldQuest system is perfect, even if you don't do any sales you still won't loose!

A Pyramid Scheme

There are 3 legal requirements a marketing plan must fit before it can be called a pyramid scheme. I demonstate what is a pyramid by law in the following diagram. Additionally to be legal and not qualify as a pyramid scheme sales must not be from one participant to the other. All GoldQuest sales are done directly between GoldQuest and the customer, you just get a referral commission.

The GoldQuest Marketing Plan

Please notice the last condition A shares commission with yet a 3'rd party C. Notice in the GoldQuest marketing diagram that the first two conditions are true but the 3'rd is not. This shows that according to legal definitions the GoldQuest marketing plan is not a pyramid scheme.

But, it is more important to proove that it can grow indefinitely and everyone will still get paid and the parent company will still make a profit. This is demonstrated in the math section.


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Independent Representative
of Gold Quest International